Undergraduate Research Assistant, Webmaster

Hometown: Richardson, Texas
Current Residence : Austin, Texas
Degree: Bachelors of Landscape Architecture
E-mail address: elizalarkin@tamu.edu

Senior Year 2004-2005 Current GPA: 3.8
Tau Sigma Delta - National Architectural Honors Society Member
Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities Nominee
American Society of Landscape Architects, Student Chapter, Workshop Chair. In charge of planning Workshop, delegating responsibilities, and communicating with professionals to organize the event.
Golden Key Honors Society, member.
A&M Christian Fellowship, member. Assisted in leading worship for a weekly Homegroup Bible Study. Participated in various service activities, including serving at a local nursing home.

Junior Year 2003-2004
American Society of Landscape Architects, Student Chapter, Workshop Co-Chair. Served on the donations committee to raise money for Workshop.
Big Event, Participant. Participated in cleaning areas of Bryan/College Station for one day of thanks to the community.
A&M Christian Fellowship, member. Assisted in leading a weekly Homegroup Bible Study. Participated in various service activities, including serving at a local nursing home.
Golden Key Honors Society, member.
Distinguished Student Honor Roll for the College of Architecture (Fall 2003)
Recipient of the Samuel E. Garrett Jr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship. Awarded $2000 for outstanding scholastic achievement and demonstrating personal and professional growth.
Internship, SMR Landscape Architects. Summer 2004. . Assisted with creation of construction documents, construction details and designs in AutoCAD and Photoshop.

Sophomore Year 2002-2003
Habitat for Humanity, member. Service projects to raise money for “Shack-a-Thon” in order to raise awareness on poverty housing.
Big Event, Participant. Participated in cleaning areas of Bryan/College Station for one day of thanks to the community.
American Society of Landscape Architects, Student Chapter, member. Service projects to raise money for Workshop. Assisted in Workshop set-up and planning.
A&M Christian Fellowship, member. Weekly Homegroup Bible Study.
Recipient of the Quail Valley Garden Club scholarship. Awarded $1000 for excellence in college.
Internship, SMR Landscape Architects. Summer 2003. Assisted with creation of construction documents and construction details in AutoCAD.

Freshman Year 2001-2002
Helping Other Students to Succeed, member. Helping elementary school children improve literature and math skills.
Big Event, Participant. Participated in cleaning areas of Bryan/College Station for one day of thanks to the community.
Doulos Bible Study, member. Weekly Bible study.