Understanding Local Support for Climate Change Mitigation in the United States, in partnership with the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy

This study examines local level support for climate change initiatives in the United States . First, we extend previous conceptual models explaining risk perception associated with global climate change by adding a spatial dimension. Specifically, we use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analytical techniques to map and measure survey respondents' physical risk associated with potential climate change. Using existing spatial data, we analyze multiple measures of climate change vulnerability along with demographic, attitudinal, and social contextual variables derived from a representative national survey that predicts variation in risk perception. Analysis of the data suggests that the relationship between actual and perceived risk is driven by specific types of physical conditions and experiences. These results provide important information to policy makers interested in mitigating the adverse impacts of global climate change on local communities. Second, we examine the reasons why local jurisdictions in the U.S. voluntarily commit to the Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) campaign. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analytic techniques, we map and measure a locality's vulnerability to climate change impacts at the county level of spatial precision. We analyze multiple measures of climate change vulnerability, including expected temperature change, extreme weather events, and coastal proximity, as well as economic, demographic, and civic participation variables that constitute a locality's socioeconomic capacity to commit to climate change policy initiatives.

Principal Investigator: Arnold Vedlitz

Funding Organization: NOAA, Award No. NA03OAR4310164


Zahran, Sammy, Brody , S.D. , Vedlitz, A., and *Grover, H. Climate Change Vulnerability and Policy Support. (Forthcoming). Society and Natural Resources .

Zahran, S., Brody, S. D., Vedlitz, A., *Grover, H, and *Miller, C. Explaining Local Commitment to Climate Change Policy in the United States . (Under Review). Environment and Planning C .

Brody , S.D. , Zahran, S, Vedlitz, A., and *Grover, H. Examining the Relationship between Physical Vulnerability and Perceptions of Global Climate Change in the U.S. (Under Review). Environment and Behavior.