plan 641 Course readings
Required Texts
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Peck, Sheila.
1998. Planning for Biodiversity: Issues and Examples.
Dramstad, Wenche E., J. Olson, and R. Forman. 1996. Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape
Architecture and Land-Use Planning.
Wondolleck, Julia and Steven Yaffee. 2000. Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from
Innovation in Natural Resource Management.
Dan L. and Jeffery Miller. 2005. Practical
Ecology for planners, developers, and citizens. Washington, D.C.: Island
*Readings not contained in required texts will be available electronically
August 29
Introduction to course
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Perlman, Dan L. and
Jeffery Miller. 2005.
Practical Ecology for planners,
developers, and citizens.
Grumbine, Edward.
1994. What Is Ecosystem
Management? Conservation Biology 8(1): 27-38.
Christensen, Norman, A. Bartuska, J. Brown, S. Carpenter, C. D'Antonio,
R. Francis, J. Franklin, J. MacMahon, R. Noss, D. Parsons, C. Petterson,
M. Turner, and R. Woodmansee. 1996.
The Report of the Ecological Society of
Sexton, William. 1998. Ecosystem Management: expanding the resources
management 'tool kit.' Landscape and
Urban Planning 40: 103-112.
Szaro, R., W. Sexton and C. Malone. 1998. The emergence of ecosystem management as a
tool for meeting people's needs and sustaining ecosystems. Landscape
and Urban Planning 40:1-7.
Cortner, H. and Margaret Moote. 1999. The
Politics of Ecosystem Management.
September 5
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Peck, Sheila. 1998. Planning for Biodiversity: Issues and
Noss, Reed F. 1983. A Regional Landscape Approach to Maintain Diversity. BioScience 33: 700-706.
Randolph, John.
2003. Ch10, Ecosystem and
Watershed Management, pgs. 253-260. In Environmental
Land Use Planning and Management.
Island Press:
Noss, Reed and Allen Cooperrider. 1994. Saving Nature’s Legacy: Protecting and
Restoring Biodiversity.
Christensen, Norman, A. Bartuska,
J. Brown, S. Carpenter, C. D'Antonio, R. Francis, J.
Franklin, J. MacMahon, R. Noss,
D. Parsons, C. Petterson, M. Turner, and R. Woodmansee.
1996. The Report of the
Ecological Society of
Sheila. 1998. Planning
for Biodiversity: Issues and Examples.
King, A. 1993. Considerations of Scale and Hierarchy. In Ecological Integrity
and the Management of Ecosystems.
S. Woodly, J. Kay, and G. Francis, (eds). CA:
Dan L. and Jeffery Miller. 2005. Practical
Ecology for planners, developers, and citizens.
September 12
Dramstad, Wenche E., J. Olson, and R. Forman. 1996. Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape
Architecture and Land-Use Planning.
Peck, Sheila. 1998. Planning for Biodiversity: Issues and
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Duerksen, C. D. Elliot, N. Thompson, E. Johnson, and J. Miller. 1997. Habitat Protection Planning: Where the Wild Things Are. APA Planning Advisory Service Report No. 470/471, pp. 5-23.
September 1
Dramstad, Wenche E., J. Olson, and R. Forman. 1996. Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape
Architecture and Land-Use Planning.
Simberloff and Cox. 1987.
Consequences and Costs of Conservation Corridors. Conservation Biology 1(1): 63-71.
Damschen et al. 2006. Corridors Increase Plant Species Richness at Large Scales. Science 313: 1284-1286.
Van Langevelde,
Frank. 1994. Conceptual integration of landscape planning
and landscape ecology, with a focus on the
Dan L. and Jeffery Miller. 2005. Practical
Ecology for planners, developers, and citizens.
Introduction of Human Values in the Management
of Ecosystems
September 21
Leopold, A. 1949. A Sand
Stanley, Thomas. 1995. Ecosystem Management and the Arrogance of Humanism. Conservation Biology 9(2): 255-261.
Dan L. and Jeffery Miller.
2005. Practical Ecology for planners,
developers, and citizens.
Endter-Wada, Joanna, Dale Blahna, Richard Krannich, and Mark Brunson. 1998. A Framework for Understanding Social Science
Contributions to Ecosystem Management. Ecological Applications 8(3) 891-901.
Wondolleck, Julia and Steven Yaffee. 2000. Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from
Innovation in Natural Resource Management.
Issues: A Focus on Inter-organizational Collaboration
September 28
Wondolleck, Julia and Steven Yaffee. 2000. Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from
Innovation in Natural Resource Management.
Peck, Sheila. 1998. Planning for Biodiversity: Issues and
Cortner, H. M. Wallace, S. Burke, and M. Moote. 1998. Institutions Matter: the need to address the
institutional challenges of ecosystem management. Landscape
and Urban Planning 40: 159-166.
October 3
Senge, P.M. 1990. The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice
of the learning organization.
Lee, R.G. 1992.
Ecologically Effective Social Organization as A
Requirement for Sustaining Watershed Ecosystems. In R.J. Naiman
(ed.), Watershed Management: Balancing
Sustainability and Environmental Change.
Lee, Kai N. 1993. Compass
and Gyroscope: Integrating Science and Politics for the Environment.
Richard and Gary Meffe. 1997. Ecosystem Management
Agency Liberation from Command and Control. Wildlife
Society Bulletin 25(3): 676-678.
The Planning Proces: Stakeholder Collaboration
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Wondolleck, Julia and Steven Yaffee. 2000. Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from
Innovation in Natural Resource Management.
Wondolleck, Julia and Steven Yaffee. 2000. Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from
Innovation in Natural Resource Management.
Randolph, John and Michael Bauer. 1999. Improving Environmental Decision-Making Through Collaborative Methods. Policy Studies Review, Fall/Winter, 16: 169-191.
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Additional Readings
Randolph, John and Michael Bauer. 1999. Improving Environmental Decision-Making Through Collaborative Methods. Policy Studies Review, Fall/Winter, 16: 169-191.
October 12
Problem paper #1 Due
Susskind, Lawrence, Sarah Mckearnan, and Jennifer Thomas-Larmer, (eds.). 1999.
Consensus Building Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Reaching Agreement. California: Sage Publications.“San Francisco Estuary Project,” pp. 801-825.
Wondolleck, Julia and Steven Yaffee. 2000. Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from
Innovation in Natural Resource Management.
October 17
Beatly, T., D. Brower, and A. Schwab. 1994. An Introduction to Coastal Zone Management.
Marsh, Lindell
and Peter Lallas. 1995.
Focused, Special-Area Conservation Planning: An Approach to Reconciling
Development and Environmental Protection.
In Collaborative
Planning for Wetlands and Wildlife.
Edited by Douglas Porter and David Salveson.
Duerksen, C. D. Elliot, N. Thompson, E. Johnson, and J. Miller. 1997. Habitat Protection Planning: Where the Wild Things Are. APA Planning Advisory Report No. 470/471, pp. 79-82.
Read and analyze plans distributed in class
or on reserve.
October 24
Beatley, T. 2000. Preserving Biodiversity: Challenges for Planners. APA Journal 66(1): 5-20.
Planning Tools and Strategies I – Land use planning Techniques
Peck, Sheila. 1998. Planning for Biodiversity: Issues and
Noss, Reed and Allen Cooperrider. 1994. Saving Nature’s Legacy: Protecting and Restoring
Additional Readings
Salm and Clark. 2000. Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A Guide for Planners and Managers. Chapter 2, Site Planning and Management, Pgs. 37-48.
October 31- Land Use Policies I
Mantell, M., S. Harper, and L. Prost. 1990.
Appendix A: A Primer on Growth Management Tools and Techniques. In Resource Guide for Creating
Successful Communities.
Beatly, T., D. Brower, and A. Schwab. 1994. An Introduction to Coastal Zone Management.
November 2- Land Use Policies II
Duerksen, C. D. Elliot, N. Thompson, E. Johnson, and J. Miller. 1997. Habitat Protection Planning: Where the Wild Things Are. APA Planning Advisory Service Report No. 470/471, pp. 25-54.
Center for Watershed Protection. 1994. Use of Cluster Development to Protect Watersheds. Watershed Protection Techniques 1(3): 137-140.
November 7- Land Use Policies III
Arendt, R. 1997. Growing Greener: Putting Conservation into
Local Codes.
Dan L. and Jeffery Miller.
2005. Practical Ecology for planners,
developers, and citizens.
November 9
Kaiser, E. et. al. 1995. Urban
Land Use Planning.
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Planning Tools and Strategies II – GIS & spatial analysis
Problem Paper #2 Due.
J.M., F. Davis, B. Csuti, R. Noss,
B. Butterfield, C. Groves, H. Anderson, S. Caicco, F.
DErchia, T.C. Edwards Jr., J. Ulliman,
and R.G. Wright. 1993. Gap Analysis: a geographical approach to
protection of biological diversity. Wildlife Monographs, 123: 1-41.
Caicco, Steven, J.M. Scott, B. Butterfield, and B. Csuti.
1995. A Gap Analysis of the Management Status of the Vegetation of
K., and D.M. Stoms. 1993.
Compiling a Digital Map of Areas Managed for Biodiversity In
Scott, J.M., B. Csuti, and S. Caicco. 1991.
Gap Analysis: Assessing Protection Needs. In
J.M., B. Csuti, J.D. Jacobi, and J. Estes. 1987. Species Richness: a geographic approach to
protecting future biological diversity. BioScience,
37(11): 782-788.
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
Brody, S.D., Himanshu Grover, Sara Bernhardt, Zhenghong Tang, Bianca Whitaker, and Colin Spencer. (2006). A Multi-Criteria, Spatial Site Suitability Analysis for Oil and Gas Exploration in Texas State Coastal Waters. Environmental Management 38:597–617.
November 21 - Computer Modeling of Environmental Impacts
Randolph, John.
2003. Land Use, Stream Flow, and
Runoff Pollution, pgs. 363- 404. In Environmental Land Use Planning and Management. Island Press:
*in class modeling exercise
Planning Tools and Strategies
II – Applications and case studies
Daniels, T. and Daniels, K. 2003. Chapter 10, “Planning and Managing Wetlands.” In The Environmental Planning
S.D., Davis, Stephen E. III, Highfield, Wesley E. and Bernhardt, Sarah. (2008). A
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Wetland Alteration in
Lewis, W. M.: 2001, Wetlands Explained: Wetland Science, Policy, and Politics in
Bardecki, M.J. What Value Wetlands? (1984). Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
39(3): 166-169.
**November 24-25- Thanksgiving Break
November 28- Wetland
Development and Flooding: making the connection
Samuel D., Wesley E. Highfield, Hyung-Cheal Ryu, Laura Spanel-Weber. Examining the Relationship between Wetland Alteration and Watershed
Flooding in Texas and Florida. (2006). Natural Hazards, 16pgs.
Highfield, Wesley E. and Samuel D. Brody. The Price of Permits: Measuring
the Economic Impacts of
Development on Flood Damages in
White, M.D. and Greer,
K.A. 2006. The Effects of Watershed Urbanization on the Stream Hydrology and
Riparian Vegetation of Los Peñasquitos Creek,
California. Landscape and Urban Planning 74: 125-138.
Plan Implementation: Putting Principles into Practice
November30 –
Plan Conformity
Brody, Samuel D. 2008. Ecosystem
Planning in
December 5- Implementing Principles
Dan L. and Jeffery Miller.
2005. Practical Ecology for planners,
developers, and citizens.
Final Paper
Due: On day of scheduled final exam.
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