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Doctor of Philosophy, Urban and Regional Sciences; In Progress
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Master of Urban Planning; May 2004
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Certificate in Environmental Hazards Management
Bachelor of Science, Renewable Natural Resources; May 2001
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Work Experience
Texas A & M University, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning
Research Assistant under Dr. Samuel Brody, June 2002-Present
Texas A & M University, Spatial Sciences Laboratory
Research Assistant, Full Time, under Dr. R. Srinivasan , May 2001 - June 2002
Teaching & Research Assistant, under Dr. R. Srinivasan, June 2000 - May 2001
Highfield, Wesley E. and Brody, Samuel D. The Price of Permits: Measuring the Economic Impacts of Wetland Development on Flood Damages in Florida . Natural Hazards Review. Forthcoming.
Brody, Samuel D. and Highfield, Wesley E. 2005. Does Planning Work? Testing the Implementation of Local Environmental Planning in Flordia. Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(2): 159-175.
Brody, Samuel D., Highfield, Wesley E. and Thornton, Sara. Planning At the Urban Fringe: Examining the Factors Influencing Nonconforming Development Patterns in Florida . Environment and Planning B, In Press.
Brody, Samuel D., Carrasco , Virginia and Highfield, Wesley E. Measuring the Adoption of Local Sprawl Reduction Planning Policies in Florida . Journal of Planning Education and Research, In Press.
Brody, Samuel D., Highfield, Wes and Peck, Mitchell. Exploring the Mosaic of Perceptions for Water Quality Across Watersheds in San Antonio , Texas . Landscape and Urban Planning, In Press.
Peacock, Walter Gillis, Brody, Samuel D. and Highfield, Wes. Hurricane Risk Perceptions Among Florida's Single Family Homeowners. Landscape and Urban Planning, In Press .
Brody, Samuel D., Peck, Mitch and Highfield, Wes. 2004. Examining Localized Perceptions of Air Quality in Texas : A Spatial and Statistical Analysis. Risk Analysis, 24(6): 1561 - 1574.
Brody, Samuel D., Highfield, Wes., Lee, Lai., Arlikatti, Sudha., Bierling, David H., Ismailova, R., Butzler, Rachel. 2004. Conflict on the Coast: Using Geographic Information Systems to Map Potential Environmental Disputes in Matagorda Bay , Texas . Environmental Management, 34(1): 11-25.
Brody, Samuel D., Highfield, Wes and Alston, Letitia. 2004. Does Location Matter? Measuring Environmental Perceptions of Creeks in Two San Antonio Watersheds . Envirionment and Behavior, 36(2): 220-250.
Brody, Samuel D., Highfield, Wes and Carrasco , Virginia . 2004. Measuring the Collective Capabilities of Local Jurisdictions to Manage Ecological Systems in Southern Florida . Landscape and Urban Planning, 69(1): 33-50
Brody, Samuel D., Carrasco , Virginia and Highfield, Wes. 2003. Evaluating Ecosystem Management Capabilities at the Local Level in Florida : A Policy Gap Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems. Environmental Management, 32(6):661-81.
Texas A&M Association of Former Students Distinguished Graduate
Student Award; 2004
Sustainable Coastal Margins Program Graduate Fellow; September 2002 – May 2004
David Pugh Planning Law Scholarship; September 2002 & 2003