ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:                                       Archive Home

This project has received support and encouragement from the Texas Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects for more than fifteen years.  Successive chapter presidents and the executive committee comprised of the section chairs have been instrumental in getting this archive into place. 

Financial support from the Texas Chapter, ASLA, the Electronic Learning Incentives Program (ELIP) at Texas A&M University and the Honors Program at Texas A&M University has enabled the authors to continue work during summers.  The Dean’s Office in the College of Architecture has provided graduate assistant support to Tom Woodfin. 

Several generations of landscape architecture students have been pressed into service to scan slides, documents and other materials so that projects can be put onto the website. 

My appreciation also given to my colleagues in the Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Department, Texas A&M University, for their interest and use of the archive in teaching. 

Dr. Osman Bayazit, Dept. of Computer Science at Texas A&M University, provided expertise in the development of automated procedures for inserting scanned materials into the webpages, saving us hundreds of hours of work. 

Ms. Paula Bender, Director of the Technical Resource Center in the College of Architecture, has been an enthusiastic supporter of the archive and willingly allowed some of the precious TRC space to be dedicated to the archive.  Ian Muise has enthusiastically made room for us in the TRC slide collection and displayed the archive in a prominent place. 

Of particular importance is the role Taner Ozdil, doctoral candidate in Urban and Regional Science, has played as webmaster and project manager.  His consistent efforts in solving problems, continuously improving the communications content of the website and dedication to keeping the archive current have been integral and invaluable. 



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