The Environmental Planning and Sustainability Research Unit (EPSRU) is the newest initiative of the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center at Texas A&M University. We are an interdisciplinary research facility focused on understanding the interaction between physical development and maintaining the integrity of ecological systems over the long term. Funding for the EPSRU comes from the National Science Foundation, Texas Seagrant, NOAA, the National Park Service, and Texas A&M University. Our projects include, among others: wetland alteration and coastal watershed flooding; climate change planning; a Coastal Communities Planning Atlas for TX, and an early warning land use change system for Gulf Coast National Parks.

The EPSRU laboratory contains eight work stations and a high resolution scanner. We use a variety of statistical and spatial analytical software including: ArcView and ArcGIS, ARCIMS, ClusterSeer, Geoda, and STATA.

Please click on the names below for more information.

Dr. Sam Brody - Director & Associate Professor - Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty Fellow - Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center; Co-director, Texas Center for Beaches and Shores

Walter Peacock - Faculty Research Fellow
Sammy Zahran - Research Fellow
Doug Wunneburger - Faculty Research Fellow


Research Assistants

Sarah Bernhardt
Himanshu Grover
JungEun Kang
Joseph Mayunga
Darnawan Prasodjo
Anita Hollmann

Gabriel Burns
Walter M. Peacock

Research Associate

Wes Highfield

Research Fellows

Ann-Margaret Esnard
Praveen Maghelal
Zhenghong Tang



Please click on the name below to see where our past team members are now.

Zhenghong Tang
Amanda Jaloway
Praveen Maghelal
Mathew Hilgemeier
Scott Burleigh
Vicky Carrasco
Jennifer Dyke
Beth Larkin
Paula Lorente
HyungCheal Ryu
Linda Salzar
Sara Thornton
Laura Spanel-Weber
Jeff Missal
Ching-Yu Chou
Cen Xu